Respite, Vigil, and Companioning Support
Companioning is not about assessing, analyzing, fixing or resolving another’s story. It is about friendship & fellowship and is important at all stages of life. At Soulfull Departures, we know that the solution to feeling isolated is not more solitude. And while studies have repeatedly shown that most people would prefer to stay at home for sentimental and practical reasons, doing just that can become harder as circumstances evolve. Engaging with the helping hands of a companion can delay a move into care, bring comfort and a sense of belonging, and even reignite a sense of purpose both for you and your circle of care. Providing companionship to our clients is always a treasured responsibility.
The flexibility to be at home with the support of friends, family, and trusted companions.
The word ‘companion’ comes from Latin and means ‘someone you would break bread with’. We have taken liberties with the noun and made it into a verb as we believe that companioning is the act of sitting at a table together, being present to one another, sharing, communing, and abiding in the fellowship of hospitality.
Soulfull Departures can help provide you with the everyday help it takes to thrive in the comfort and safety of your own home — socially, emotionally, and physically. Our service includes spending quality time with you, assisting with cooking and sharing meals, running errands and getting out in the community, playing games, crafting, or working on hobbies, enjoying time outdoors, sharing a cup of tea and talking or looking through photo albums. We can also help with light household chores or home organization (should you wish help in this area).
Respite Support:
You may believe that you should be able to "do it all”. At Soulfull Departures, we believe that seeking support and maintaining your own health is key to managing your role as a caregiver. Our services can give you a temporary rest from caregiving with comfort and peace, knowing that your loved one is spending time with someone who cares.
We know that every person is unique and their situation is different, and we can adapt and support both you and your loved one in living more independently, embracing your chosen lifestyle, and saving you time & energy for what matters most.
Vigiling Support:
Vigiling with the dying involves being emotionally and peacefully present with them during their final days when their energy and ability to engage are waning.
Something we hear from many hospice volunteers is: “We come to the world with someone; we should leave the world with someone”. People are social creatures. We want companionship, love, and touch. We surround ourselves with loved ones during significant life events, and death is the ultimate life event.
The dying can feel our presence, and we’ve been told that hearing is the last sense to go. Providing compassionate accompaniment during this sacred transition is an honour and privilege. Our vigiling support can include performing rituals, playing music, reading, sharing silence, sharing stories, healing touch, opening the windows to a birdsong, having pets present, or placing candles around the room, to name a few suggestions.