It’s Terminal… Now What?!

It is an overwhelming thing to hear that your medical treatment has changed from a life-saving one to an avoidance of suffering. It is often in these moments we no longer know what to ask, what to do, or what to think.

This is the exact moment that your individuality comes into play. Dying shouldn't be about just sitting there waiting for death to arrive.

Even with a life-limiting diagnosis, you are still living, up and until the moment you aren't.

What is important for you and your loved ones to do in these moments is to find meaning in the time left and to find a way to focus on what matters most to you.

Below is a checklist designed to help you think about your legacy, your values,

your wishes, and what kind of supportive care you'd like to receive both before

and after your death.


How to have a Soulful Conversation About One’s Legacy


5 Things to Say to Loved Ones Before You Die